Whitbourne Elementary, as a professional learning community, will improve academic achievement, while creating a safe, caring and healthy school environment.  Community cooperation and staff professionalism will empower our learners to be contributing members of society.

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome back to another school year! We are excited to be back and have been very busy setting up our classrooms and creating new learning opportunities for all of our students.

Our Staff

K - Miss Alicia Strapp

1 - Ms. Bonny Rose

2 - Ms. Tammy Hickey

3 - Ms. Carolyn Meade (4-6 French)

4 - Ms. Heather Mercer

5 - Ms. Heather Reilly (Music)

6 - Ms. Trudy Piercey (Phys Ed)

6 - Ms. Tracy Mercer-Crann

Reading Specialist - Ms. Tonya Fry

IRT - Miss Megan Lewis

Student Assistant - Ms. Tina Mercer

Student Assistant - Ms Jackie Reid

Guidance - Ms. Lindsi Hutchings

Ed Psych - Ms. Cynthia Hicks

Custodian - Ms. Jackie Jackson

Bus Drivers - TBA

Special Services Bus Driver - Ms. Deanne March

Secretary - Ms. Patti Kennedy

Principal - Mr. Gerald McCarthy


Please note that all timings will remain the same, as well as our lunch and recess time.

Doors Open - 8:25 am

Instruction Begins - 8:40am (Please make sure students are on time)

Recess - 10:10-10:30 am 

Lunch - 12:00-12:40 pm

Dismissal - 2:40pm

Parking Lot and Safe and Caring School Policy 

Please be extra careful in the pickup line. If you are dropping your child off in the morning, please let them out at the door without parking. In the afternoon, students will be dismissed through the main school entrance. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe.

Breakfast Program/Recess/Lunch

We will be offering grab and go types of breakfast items starting on Sept 9th. Please make sure your children have a packed recess and lunch and to include a spoon/fork if needed. There will be no heatups for the time being.

Heatups will be available once we get our volunteers in place. A synervoice message will be sent home at that time.


Our programs are dependent on our volunteers, if you are interested in volunteering please fill out the form that is with the student forms.


This year we have 2 buses. You will find a copy of the bus route on the school website. Bus students will be expected to be at the bus stop five minutes prior to pick up. The bus will not be able to wait for students that are not at the stops..

Information/Registration Forms

Please send back the forms that are sent home to your teacher by Friday, September 6th.

School Council

Welcome back everyone! We look forward to another great school year.

Food Allergy 

Please be advised that we have a student and teacher with a severe life threatening allergy. Students are not permitted to bring in the following: